About Us
Autobar has been catering to the rapidly emerging “Process Automation” market in Pakistan, using state of art technology, for 20+ years.
To bring "Process Automation" in Pakistan using state of the art technology and provide quality Turnkey Solutions locally
To cater the ever growing requirements in Supply Chain Automation, which certainly is need of the time
Our Team
Our Team comprises of people that combine versatility and innovation to bring about the best solutions needed by you
Services we provide

Customer Support
Autobar gives utmost importance to "after sales/customer support". It has a credible and dedicated support team. Further, to ensure long term usability, we offer Annual Maintenance Contract
Corporate Training
Autobar offers corporate training on the autobar solutions as well as popular packaged application software. Training is done in Pakistan as well as abroad
Repair Centre
To minimize the turnaround time and bypass the lengthy RMA procedures, autobar has set up a local diagnostic and repair center in Pakistan offering repairs for its entire products

Research & Development
autobar’s solutions are backed by products and integration R&D. Since autobar represents multiple suppliers, their products and services are integrated to develop solutions. This requires lots of research which is done at autobar with new products and technologies. autobar also provides students the opportunity to work with latest technologies.
The Software Department
Our Software Development division acts strategically and promotes innovation. They perform a complete analysis of client requirements before starting the process of development. At autobar we realize the implementation of software is as important as the quality of software itself and hence a proven implementation methodology is adopted.


Nasir Qadri